In South America, their harvests have been affected by cool, rainy weather.
In India, it is drought,
In Africa, drought.
China's wheat growing regions is under snow (8 inches this week), their rice growing region is under cool, rainy weather, and their corn region is, as well.
The United States is not immune either. Late snow hit the Maine and the Idaho potato regions, Continual rainfall is hitting the upper Ohio valley, allowing only 8% of the corn crop to be put into the ground, and in the Midwest hail storms last week destroyed 10's of thousands of acres of corn and wheat.
Now the U.S. government can no longer hide this fact and are calling for falling temps for the back half of the year, and this might be the biggest La Nina on record. About time they are catching up.
I discussed The reasons why are in a ebook I wrote on this very subject. It is free, and it will help you survive and thrive in this coming decade.
My website , Just scroll down and request it.
Back to the black swan; rising food prices ties the Central Bankers hands as their only game is devaluation and you can't devalue when importing food during a deficit will kill your economy and/or your populations will starve. Remember the 2008 rice scare, and the 2011 Arab Spring? That is coming to nearly every country from now through the coming decade. Buy Ag ETF's to hedge these events. Don't be like this guy.